Opportunities to Serve

This trip was something I will never forget. It had a huge impact on my life. It opened my eyes to the things that are happening right here in our state.

- Miranda

There is no need to travel thousands of miles to have an opportunity to serve and love people who are lost and broken. There are people who literally live in the next house over, down the street, or a short drive from our homes who are in dire need of the hope of Jesus. Team Bialik recently traveled just 3 & a half hours to the Standing Rock Reservation. While serving we partnered with Pastor Josh & Cheri Froelich (TBC & GS Alumni) at the Standing Rock AG. What a wonderful time we had working around the church and reaching out to people in the surrounding community.  We are SO thankful to the Lord for all he has done for us and through us, and we were privileged to add more stories and moments to our thankfulness this year that we want to share with you:

The week we spent on the reservation was filled with work projects and here is a list of a few:

I saw the times of work as an opportunity to further God’s Kingdom. While we were scraping carpet and hammering tile floors, we were preparing the physical building, but God was preparing the hearts of the people who could attend the church sooner because we helped the church.
— Sabrina

We realized yet again the importance of taking advantage of every opportunity as we held a children's service for kids in the local communities. If we only have this one moment, this one chance to show someone they are loved and cared for, then we best not waste that precious moment.

The gospel truth and God's sweet presence really are good. Often we get distracted  believing that we need some flashy, new, and exciting way to attract people to God. All we really need is God's love flowing through us. The kids who came shy and apprehensive left begging us to come and pick them up again. They seemed desperate for more of the simple love we showed through arts, crafts, songs, and laughter. Once we got down on their level and took notice of them the night seemed to change. The little interactions with kids during arts & craft time really brought us all together.

We really wish that each person reading this blog could have been with us in the van as we drove the kids back home. It may sound silly but just listening to the kids sing, or yell, Christmas songs all the way back was such special time that warmed our hearts. These particular kids face hard, dark realities every single day but during that night spent with us they got to experience JOY. When we get away from the distractions of this world and just enjoy connecting in God's presence, we realize that even the simplest of moments can be meaningful. 

"I hope she saw a friend in me for at least that night. Later I came to the conclusion that I am most likely the only one, besides Jesus, who is praying for her in the whole wide world. That is crazy to think. Makes even the seemingly little things in ministry that much more important." ~ Sadi

Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, mixed veggies, and some delicious pie were next on the agenda! Saturday we cooked and served a free Thanksgiving meal for those in the community. The Kitchen was hot and ready for action as community members began to come through the line of fresh food. It was such a great chance to bless the community of Selfridge and help connect the local pastor, Josh Froelich, to people outside the church. In small towns, moments like these can go a long way to bring awareness to the local churches. 

I learned that little things like a thanksgiving feed, and just providing a free meal that people can come have and have a good time of fellowship can be a very good thing even if it doesn’t seem like a big outreach. It creates a safe warm environment where people can come and hopefully be led to Jesus. Such a simple thing, just being willing to serve someone food can change their hearts. Because sometimes that’s all that people want, a place to come and hangout and have someone to talk to and listen to them talk, it’s small but it fills a big need.
— Ethan

Before we had to say goodbye and head back to Trinity for our own Thanksgiving meals, we had one last opportunity. We were able to lead the Sunday service and it was great to see some familiar faces during the service. However, this time we were bringing a spiritual meal to take part in with us.

We trust that each of you had a great time of Thanksgiving this year and we hope that you are challenged to step out and look for opportunities to bless those around you. Lostness is not just something that pertains to those overseas but to every single human being that has not accepted the grace freely given by our Savior. So take the opportunities YOU are given to serve, love, and make an impact for His Kingdom this holiday season.

Our trip to Standing Rock Reservation was very enlightening and impactful. Among the work projects and other events we participated and facilitated, we got to see a very real side to life not that far from Trinity. For me, this meant something important, in that there is a desperate need for Jesus in a community three hours away from where we are studying.
I am trying to hold on to the things that I have learned and experienced thus far, and make them be meaningful and life-changing like they were in the moment. I want the effects of this trip to be long-term not just for a couple days or even a couple of weeks. I thank God for the opportunity that He laid out for me, and the things that I experienced while on this trip, I never knew I could have so many jarring and learning moments in one week.
— Josiah